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The Ethics group

What is the Ethics group?


The Ethics group is supported by the Quebec Respiratory Health research Network and sponsored by the Fonds de recherche du Québec - Santé (FRQS). Its role is to assist Network members in matters of ethics, scientific integrity and intellectual property. The head of the Ethics group is Dr. Jamila Chakir

To achieve her goals, she ensures:

  • to continually update on new knowledge of ethics, scientific integrity and intellectual property,
  • update the documentation made available to members of the Network on ethics, scientific integrity and intellectual property,
  • to organize training workshops alone or in association with other organizations for the benefit of Network members and students,
  • to contribute to the transfer of knowledge to professionals involved in the ethics of medical research in Quebec,
  • establish a network of resource persons to consult when necessary.



The Ethics group organizes, every 2 years and since its creation, a Symposium on the Ethics of Research and Scientific Integrity (CERIS), which is aimed at research staff, coordinators, committee members, research ethics, to administrators of institutions, to promoters, to researchers, to students, to participants in research projects, in short to the individuals and organizations who are associated with the health research enterprise and who are interested to improve the quality and performance. CERIS knows, from one edition to another, a growing success that testifies to the relevance and interest of its participants in the ethical issue in the field of research.