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Home Events Webinaires Harnessing the power of intravital microscopy to understand host-pathogen interactions

Harnessing the power of intravital microscopy to understand host-pathogen interactions

Série de conférences des Laboratoires Meakins-Christie – Université McGill. Les liens Zoom ne sont pas publiés en ligne. Merci de contacter afin d’être ajoutés à la liste de distribution pour les séminaires.

Meakins-Christie Research Seminar Series – McGill University. Zoom details are not published online. Please contact for the link or to be added to the seminar mailing list.

  • Conférencier/Speaker: Ajitha Thanabalasuriar
  • Institution(s), Partenaire(s) / Institution(s), Sponsor(s): Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, McGill University

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